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Hello all!

Welcome. For those who don't know me, my name is Sandy R. Stuckless, but you can call me Your Supreme Overlord. Okay, just kidding. Sandy, will do.

Some of you may follow me on Facebook, or Twitter, or both, which means you know me a little bit. What you may not know is that I've been writing off and on since middle school (seventh grade) and have had stories rolling around my head since I was a toddler. If I could be called passionate about anything, this is it.

The first book I read that got me hooked into the fantasy genre was The Druid's Tune by O.R. Melling. That call to adventure has not left me since. I count the multitude of DragonLance books by Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman, The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, The Shannara Series by Terry Brooks, and the various Forgotten Realms books by R.A. Salvatore amongst my favorite reads. 

I have to be honest here. I'm not entirely sure what I hope to accomplish with this site. Maybe it's like others and I hope to reach more people with my stories. What I do know is that I want you along for the ride. I expect we will have a great time together.

Until next time, friends!

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Favorite Resources

Favorite Twitter Chats

#WritersLifeChat (Wednesday 8pm EST)

#StoryDam (Thursday 8pm EST)

Follow the hashtags on Twitter to participate.

"Hard work trumps talent when talent doesn't work hard." - Tim Notke

"Anyone can say you can't write. Don't let anyone say you don't." - Ken Rand

"Start writing no matter what. The water doesn't flow until the faucet is turned on." - Louis L'Amour

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